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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why this blog began...

In general, most people strongly grasp the concepts in either science/math, or English. I was decent at math until about my junior year in high school, when I was placed in a teacher's class that didn't teach to my learning style. My interest in the subject faded, and English definitely became my stronger area. This actually makes a ton of sense, because anyone that has gotten to know me, knows that I am a talker.

While we were in California, our lives pretty much consisted of three main things. Work. Eat. Sleep. Wake up, and the cycle would continue. Once monotony truly set in, and the confines of our studio hotel room started to make me a little crazy, I decided that I needed an outlet. I got plenty of exercise while at work, so jogging on my off time, wasn't all that appealing. I decided that I would start sharpening my brain, and learning more about creative writing.

One sunny afternoon, Aaron and I headed over to Barnes & Noble. I went to the self-help section, thinking that there had to be some sort of "Writing for Dummies" book. Instead I came across a very well marketed book, titled "Your First Novel." I was immediately attracted to its bright colors (hence, being well marketed). However, because I grew up around the slogan, "you can't judge a book by its cover," I read the back to make sure it touched on the points I was interested in. The book seemed to cover most novel writing topics, so I made my first purchase towards writing my first novel :)

I began reading the book that afternoon while I was pool side. Two of the suggestions were to a.) Read a lot of books that are in the genre you want to write in, and b.) Write. Write a list of 100 things about yourself. Write for 10 minutes about something, anything. Thus, the Pecan Princess Blog was born. I've definitely become a little sidetracked from attacking the writing of a novel, but I still think blogging is a good way to get my creative juices flowing.

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